Tuesday, September 24, 2013

birthday giveaway...day two

Come join the party!

I loved checking out your favorite junk food ~ I'm in good company, a lot of you have
a thing for licorice and chips, too! 

What: A thank you GIVEAWAY for Simple Details' 2nd Birthday
When: Tuesday AND  Wednesday AND Thursday AND Friday!! 

If you missed day one go here to catch up.

The thank you...a $25 gift card of your choice to:
Pottery Barn, World Market, Ikea, Target, TJ Maxx/Homegoods, West Elm or

One will be given away each day to randomly chosen winner.
Just leave a separate comment answering a fun question each day.

***If you're a friend or reader that has trouble leaving a comment***
please email me at pzundel22@gmail.com to be included in the giveaway

Today's question:  What is your favorite time of day?
 An early morning run or walk or bedtime! :) 

Good luck and thank you!
XOXO ~ Pam


Thehouseofhampton said...

Hi Pam. My favorite time of day is 5:30am. It's when I wake up and the world is still quiet. I get a lot more accomplished in my day when I start it early! It's amazing....

Khammany said...

My favorite time of day on a week day is 5:00pm, done with work and hopefully done with a work out. On a weekend it's right after I wake up and laze around the house for a bit before starting the day. Thanks for the chance!

Crystal said...

The evening once the kids have fallen asleep. My time to relax or work on a project.

Dana Frieling said...

Morning coffee right after the kids are dropped off at school.

Scrappy Pink Corner said...

Definitely my favorite time is around 10pm. My husband is in bed and its when I can create in my craft room. Although I wake up everyday at 5am to get my husbands breakfast ready and lunch and then stay up cleaning or doing things around the house, I still like night time best. At times I stay up until 3am crafting and at 5am I am up and about. Ana

chedeb5353 said...

Early evening after kitchen is cleaned up from supper, time to relax. chedeb5353@hotmail.com

Debbie K. said...

I'm definitely a morning person.

Nancie Nelson said...

Not a real morning person although I love the quiet of an early morning. Right now I'm loving waking up about 8am and seeing the deer in the yard, the surprise of snow on the mountains and the big ol' snakes sunning themselves in the road trying to gather enough sun/heat to start their day.

stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs said...

okay fave junk food is gummi bears and Swedish fish and time of day? When I get into my bed at night!!

Charming Lucy said...

I love my early morning walks with my dogs or family movie night time on Saturday evenings(: Susan

Unknown said...

I love my early morning quiet time with God...that usually happens between 4:30 & 5 am:-)

beverly said...

Favorite time of day is right now, watching a spectacular sunrise.

KJK Design said...

Love it around 9:00 pm - everyone is snuggled in their beds, the house is quiet. There is a sense of coziness and peace in the house after an energetic day!

Brandi said...

My favorite time of day is around 6pm. Everyone is home and we're sitting down at the dinner table discussing our day.

Mary in SC said...

Normally, I like morning best, but since my husband started a new job working evenings, my favorite time is now late night when he's finally home and we're together again.

Julia@Cuckoo4Design said...

It is 6am on the couch with coffee, my cats and the news ;)

Kim @ Plumberry Pie said...

There's a small 30 minute window when my middle schooler has left for school and my other 2 are still sleeping. It gives me the chance to get my act together for the day and have bit of chill time too. On the flipside, I do love seeing the kids walk off the bus and in the door after school...oh and of course when I finally get to lay down for the night!

Cindy @ a curious gardener said...

My favorite junk foods are black licorice of any kind but usually Good & Plenty and Hot Tamales after Mexican food, which we eat pretty often. Also love chips & dip but try to stay away because not much will power. Those veggie fried stick things at Costco are addictive. Adore cheese popcorn from our local popcorn shop and like the Chicago Mix with caramel corn added in. Garrett's in Chicago is still my favorite.

I love the morning when I get to thank God for another day. I wake up happy with a to do list in my head and run around getting things accomplished. Not a fan of the afternoon. Have to force myself to remain active. Also love the evenings when I relax with recorded shows on my DVR and Pinterest!

Dotti said...

My favorite time of day is also the early morning, as in many of the comments left here. It is quiet, fresh and a new beginning.

Anonymous said...

The early mornings it is! With the fresh air in your face, walks around this time will wake me up and get me started for the day.

Bethany Wellman said...

My favorite time of the day is around 6pm. That's when my husband and I are finally both home from work and we get to make dinner together. Makes for a happy little evening :)

Christy K said...

My favorite time of day is around 9 PM when the kids are all in bed!

Unknown said...

First thing in the AM when most of the rest of the house is still sleeping and it is just me and my coffee, doing whatever I wish!!!

Darla P. said...

I can't decide if it's the quiet morning hours or when the crew gathers and laughs together at the end of the day. Each is a blessing!

Kathleen Ellis said...

My favorite time of day......weekdays around 6pm when my sweet hubby returns home and we share the evening together....on weekends.....8am when we enjoy a lazy few hours making french toast & bacon, catching up from the week or dreaming about the future and we can enjoy not having to rush to be somewhere.

Debbie said...

Just after my morning workout on my day off with a Latte in my hand :)

theveryflowers said...

Happy 2nd Birthday!
I look forward to afternoons, when I pick up my kids from school. The morning rush and anxiety are gone, I get to hear all about their day on the way home, and I cherish those few remaining hours of the day that I get to be in their presence (after missing them from the second I drop them off!).

Unknown said...

I just love mid-morning, right after I've finished my coffee. The sun is shining, it's a new day and I'm ready to go!

Debbie said...

I love the afternoon from about 2:00 and on. Everything is really done for the day then I can just enjoy and do whatever my heart desires. Of course bedtime is pretty sweet too!!

mbricks said...

My favorite time of day is when I get off work and head home knowing that I'll get to spend some quality time with my sweet hubby until bedtime.

Julie Taylor and Danni Greenwalt said...

Congrats Pam.....My favorite time of the day is in the morning....I have my coffee, read my blogs and veg before I'm off running...

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Morning is my favorite time of day. I usually take my time, drink my coffee and read blogs, the news and emails. I've got the whole day ahead of me and if I don't have any appointments or plans scheduled I try to plan out my day, too.

tracy said...

Morning! dog walks and coffee! ~you never know what's around the corner.

Pat@Life At Lydias House said...

Late afternoon /early evening for me. Since I am a stay at home Mom, I enjoy the time of day when my family is back home!

Cassie Bustamante said...

My favorite part of the dat.... I love my early morning walks and runs at 6:30 am! I also love the time right after the kids head to school- I have my coffee and read blogs before I get to work.

Barbara said...

Early in the morning when the rest of the house is still quiet......

Thanks, Pam, and Happy Birthday Simple Details!!

Kim said...

It depends on what's going on! I love my early morning cup of coffee while the house is still quiet. Sometimes though, it's the late evening hours when I am finally able to sit and veg out in front of the television! Other times, it's when my head hits the pillow of my warm, comfy bed and I count my blessings! Love your blog.

Unknown said...

I remember in my younger days, I never saw early morning, just wanted to sleep, but now I love the early morning when the sun comes up (or not and its a rainy, yucky day)....
Then there are those (few) beautiful, blue sky, sunny days to just look up and enjoy the day with a good cup of java!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I am not a morning person, so my favorite time of day is in the evening around sunset.

Patty Day @Pattys Epiphanies said...

Around 8:00 pm, watching a good movie on TV, with MC!

kimt said...

...love the morning...steaming coffee...reading paper or blogs...

Tania Pelletier said...

My favorite part of the day is also very early in the morning. I love to sit and peruse all the beautiful blogs with my cup of coffee in my robe with my messy hair! lol!


Kelly @ A Swell Place to Dwell said...

For me it depends on the day. If it's a day when I am working from home, then I love that time after my husband leaves for work but before my daughter is up. It's quiet, I get coffee and I can do what I want for an hour or so. If it's a day I work then I love the last hour before bed...just hanging on the couch watching some TV or chatting.

slo said...

Early Morning. There is nothing more beautiful than the sunrise.

Unknown said...

Right before I go to bed.
It's usually "me" time.

Vel Criste said...

Early morning - nothing beats the tranquility of a clean and quiet house, with me sipping my coffee and cooking breakfast!

Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

Favorite time of day? Whatever time of day it is when I read your blog :)
And also…..a few moments in the morning when the house is quiet and I can drink my coffee and read the news….when the munchkins get off the bus, before the afternoon activity madness begins, and we chat while they have a snack…..and that time after dinner when the kitchen is cleaned up and everything is done for the day and I snuggle next to my honey on the couch. Those are all my favorite parts of the day :)

Ahric said...

Right when I get home from work!

Brianne said...

The hours between my little guy's bedtime, and when I hit the sack. Love curling up with my hubs, my DVR, and homemade ice cream!

Leslie said...

I love the morning! When the kids were little I'd get up an hour before them .. just to have some peace and quiet. I'm not a talker right away;) I need my coffee! xxL

JC said...

Late night, midnight is my favorite.

Brenda said...

My hobby is photography so I've got to say that my favorite time of day is the late afternoon - the Golden Hour. The sun is lower in the sky and the light is softer and... golden.

Jennifer @ Dimples and Tangles said...

I think bedtime...when I feel like I can legitimately snuggle in and read a good book!

Mels said...

5 PM, when I close up shop at work and head home!

KellyB said...

At night, those last couple of hours before I fall asleep.

Rebwife said...
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Rebwife said...

My favorite time of day is probably the hour before I go to bed. I can reflect on the day and plan for the next one.

Unknown said...

Rising early to watch the sun rise...that is, if I can make it up before my swimmers! I love licorice too;)

Stacey {steward of design} said...

Morning, just after kids have left for school. My quiet time with my coffee and iPad, reading blogs, or pinning on Pinterest.

Lexi said...

Late night, once the kids have fallen asleep, watching a good show on TV with my hard-working husband.

Angie said...

After the kids leave for school....peace & quiet

katieennay said...

Early evening once dinner is done. . . finally time to relax! Thanks Pam.

Unknown said...

When my daughter is in bed, the baby is resting and the dishes are done. Approx 11:30 PM

Sayrahk said...

I work full time, so 5pm is my "magic" hour!

Maribeth said...

Morning is my favorite but especially those few seconds after the first sip of coffee. Instant magic!

Marty said...

My favorite is sunset. We have gorgeous view from here. My boys love it and it feels great to be outside and enjoying last bit of the day before their bed time.

Erty639 said...

5:00 AM. When I'm first downstairs and can putter and sip my tea in solitude.

joanne said...

best time of day? For me, the instant I open my eyes and realize it's another fresh new day to do with it what I wish...clear the slate from the previous and have a go at this new opportunity!

pcb said...

Between around nine and eleven at night. I'm done with any lingering housework and it's not time to go to sleep, so it's 'me' time.

Zolane said...

9:30 ish :) That's my time for a nice hot shower, soft, warm flannels and a cup of tea.

miranda | boucksy said...

My favorite time of day is 4:30. It's when I really hit my 'groove' for working and creating because I like to wrap up my to-do list that I had at the beginning of the day after all the distractions have happened, so I'm ready fresh when I get back the next day.

Unknown said...

When we lived in Denver, morning walk and tai-chi in the park, but now in Phoenix, evening walk with the dogs followed by cool shower and silky pj's.

Kathy Olson said...

Mine is 6:30 a.m. when I have my 1st cup of coffee with creamer and vanilla sugar free syrup and read my favorite blogs.

Kristen said...

Crazy as it sounds, but my favorite time is 10:00 p.m. It's when I finally have an hour to myself :-).

Unknown said...

I'm a night owl so late evening after the kids have gone to bed is my favorite time of day. Thanks for the great giveaways!

Kristin@bliss-athome.com said...

I love the morning. Coffee and quite before everyone gets up :) xo Kristin

René said...
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René said...

Happy birthday to your wonderful blog! I love going to bed!

Danielle said...

Early morning painting or curled up on the sofa after the kids have gone to bed for a glass of vino with my hubby.

Glenna said...

My favorite time is when I finish putting my puppy to bed for the night and sit down with a decaf coffee and spend some time with my hubby.

Kris @ Driven by Décor said...

My favorite time of day is around 10pm once the kitchen is clean, the kids are in bed, and I finally have the time to relax before bed!

Linda {Calling it Home} said...

My favorite time of day is early morning when the house is quiet, I have a cup of coffee and watch the sum come up.

Susan M. said...

Early... I'm at my best when my first cup of coffee and I share the sunrise. All is quiet which means that for a brief time - before the household arises - I can collect my thoughts without interruption. A second cup of coffee and a bit of daydreaming is on my bucket list - somehow I think it would just feel so decadent!

Leigh said...

Definitely in the morning with my first cup of coffee! Second cup is never as good!

Unknown said...

After dinner, get to sit down and watch tv!

Unknown said...

So hard to pick. I like that early morning time when the sun is just coming up, but I think the getting in bed to read time would win out. I so enjoy being horizontal:)

skii_gurl95 said...

11 am on the weekends

therelishedroost said...

I have to say I think mid afternoon, if I am luck and not working I love to walk the dogs before the girls get home from school!

Jill said...

Hmmm. My favorite time of day is mid-morning. The outdoor temperature is usually perfect and the sun is shining bright.

Donnamae said...

Favorite time of day...that would be mornings! The day is fresh...the birds are singing...and the coffee is hot! ;)

Unknown said...
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johnandmarysouth said...

Love the morning when the house is quiet before all the chaos begins.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Pam! Ah, to be 1 again! Favorite time= right before bed when my daughter and I sip tea (decaf) together. Even better when cookies are involved!


Betty said...

I love that first cup of coffee with my husband in the morning. Thanks for the giveaway!

erin marie said...

My favorite time of day is bedtime books with my boys. :)

patty said...

Love evenings, especially in the fall. I light some spiced pumpkin candles, snuggle in and enjoy.

Diana @ Your Day Simplified said...

My favorite time of day is early morning, right before the sun comes up. I love being outside walking as the sun rises.

blessnel said...

My favorite time of the day is the mid afternoon! Why? Because I get to have that double espresso coffee - of course home brewed :)

Rebecca said...

Good night! bed time is the best we get up at 3:50 AM! this is why I'm posting at 5:29 AM! haha

Patty Antle said...

I'm a night owl!

Katie {Miss Dixie} said...

Mid morning after I have a chance to wake up, or bed time! :)

Rusthawk said...

I love the early morning/late night hours ....about 2 am.

LaurelE said...

If I don't have to work, I love a slow morning when the weather is cool. Coffee on the patio. I've had to train myself to not be a night owl!

decordelirium said...

Mine is about 8:00 at night after my kids have gone to bed. I can FINALLY have some me time!

Doreen said...

Evenings if it is a work day and mornings when I am not working!

rachel said...

Around 8:30 after I've eaten breakfast and started working (but not really intensively haha)

Haley said...

My favorite time of day is probably the mornings when I wake up. I get to spend some time cuddling and playing with my baby (5 months) before I leave for work. She is always so sweet and talkative in the morning and I love it!

Unknown said...

right before bed so i can relax finally!

Tabathia B said...

late morning or early afternoon and sometimes around after 10

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Clare Tea said...

I'd have to say a little past midnight, when everyone else is asleep and I finally have some alone time.

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