Thursday, January 7, 2016

DIY Lamp Shade with Leopard Print Lining

I was reading my friend's blog the other day and loved her goal of finishing
projects she'd already started instead of 'gravitating toward shiny new ones.'
Hmmm....that certainly resonated!
I'm sure I could win a BIG prize for my collection of unfinished projects.
Almost a year ago I was checking out an awesome Master Bedroom Reveal at
Cassie's @ Hi Sugarplum - do you remember the reveal right before she moved to her
new home? I spied some stylish lamp shades with leopard print lining, she
had purchased them like that, but I knew it would be a simple DIY using patterned paper.
Of course the the 'shiny new project' was calling and I started asap, but ran out of paper
 after completing one and never finished!
I hoped you wouldn't notice them in my dining room on my Christmas Tour. :)

Drum roll please...10 months later I finished the project!

Seeing the peek of leopard print while sitting at our
dining table makes my detail loving personality happy.

It was a super easy DIY, I used wrapping paper to line the shade. My shade has a slight
 taper, you can follow this tutorial How to Cover a Tapered Lamp Shade to get a perfect fit
 when you cut your paper. (You don't need to leave the extra allowance on top and bottom
 as if you were covering the outside of the shade with fabric.)

When you have your paper cut roll it up and place on the shade then begin to
unroll it as you work your way around the shade. My paper easily stayed in place, I used
my fingernail to press the paper into the edge of the shade.

I used a sharp utility knife to trim the excess at the edge where needed.

I didn't want to permanently attach the paper since chances are high I'll want to change it
 out some day. :) I overlapped the paper and secured at the top and bottom using scotch tape.
That's it!


Do tell, are you working on any unfinished projects or
moving on to a fun shiny new project?


Lussi said...

Great idea and fantastic performance! Wow!

Kathy said...

The shades look great! This would also be a quick fix for dingy beige shades. Thanks for the diy!

Kathy said...

The shades look great! This would also be a quick fix for dingy beige shades. Thanks for the diy!

Unknown said...

What kind of paper did you use? Just curious about the heat from the bulb?

Diane said...

Great idea for adding a little spice to an often overlooked area. This is a much prettier print than I have been able to locate in leopard print paper. Do you mind sharing your source?

Crazy Wonderful said...

How fun is that?!! Especially love how you can change it up later if you want.

Karen said...

What a great idea. I love that and have a pair of lampshades that would benefit from this little DIY.
I had to laugh when you said you start some projects and never quite's nice to know there are others guilty of this. :-)

Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

I love that detail Pam! So smart! And this post is so timely, I have been cleaning out my basement and realized I am a huge lampshade I have to go check out my wrapping paper stash and see what new life I can give them.

Debra said...

Oh let's not go there with unfinished projects. I have a garage full of projects. I have one I need to finish today. Now I want to redo my lampshades. To many ideas and not enougth time. I pinned it for later.

Anonymous said...

what a great idea! does it make a pattern on the wall when lit up??

pam {simple details} said...

Hi guys, here are answers to the questions a few of you asked. The paper is wrapping paper, I found at Michaels in one of the $1 bins by check out. I haven't had any issues with heat from the bulbs I use, but I do use low wattage bulbs in the dining room for a prettier ambiance. No pattern on the walls or ceiling at night but you can see the slight pattern on the shade. I'll take a photo and add it to the post.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

That is awesome!...I love the fact that you can change it out whenever you feel the need. Looks so beautiful!...Yes, trying to finish projects left over from last year before I start new ones. Have a great weekend!

Pat@Life At Lydias House said...

What a brilliant idea! So many possibilities now!

Julie said...

These shades look fabulous, Pam. Details really do make the difference. If there was a crown for unfinished-project-creators, I would be wearing it!!

Elizabeth B said...

Yours is one of my favorite blogs and I love your style. I've got to ask where you found the big pulls on the buffet.

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this project - those lampshades are to die for!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love this project (and just think how much more stylish the guest who ends up wearing one at your fun parties will be!).

Calypso In The Country said...

Love this Pam! It's the little details like this that make a room so unique...Simple Details, you might say! - lol! Yes, I am the queen of unfinished projects! In fact, the other day I was going through old posts where I asked readers their opinions of things and I realized I never finished the project or I ended up finally buying something - and never blogging about it. How nice of me to keep everyone hanging...(yeah I am sure that happened!) I guess we all get distracted now and then...

Jennifer @ Dimples and Tangles said...

These are great, Pam!

Unknown said...

Stunning! Those looks so glam! What a great idea. Thank you for sharing this project!

Vel Criste said...

You have just thought of everything Pam! I love this simple added detail with a lot of bang!

Adamson williams said...

Thank you so much for sharing htis DIY with us, after getting inspired from this post I will definitely try to make a floor lamp shades. Keep sharing!

Adamson williams said...

What a great idea. Your DIY lamp shade with leopard print lining looks amazing.Thanks for sharing.
modern lamp shades

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mindnasium said...

Great idea for spicing up an area that is frequently overlooked. This is a far nicer print Kids Birthday Party Planners In Nassau County than the leopard pattern paper I've been able to find.

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