Monday, January 19, 2015

Refresh magazine shoot details

Hope you all enjoyed the long weekend! 
I intended to share some of the details of our dream come true
BH & G Refresh magazine photo shoot
with you last week, and every time I sat down to write the words just wouldn't flow,
storytelling and writing aren't my forte. I like short and sweet - a year in the making,
and three jam packed days with a magazine crew at our home is tough to condense, and
 after using the word 'exciting' repeatedly it kind of loses it effect!
Here's the scoop... 

November 2013 - I received an email from BH & G Field Editor, Bonnie Broten,
saying, 'I've been stalking your blog and think your home should be in a magazine.' 
Of course, I immediately thought it was a joke from a friend or teenager! 
After Googling her, and realizing she was for real, I was beside myself and then panic
 set in as I began focusing all that was unfinished in our home.      

Our dream team...Bonnie Broten - BH & G Field Editor & Stylist, Kim'Berly' Gavin - Photographer

I worked with Bonnie over the next several months sending photos of our home and
tweaking them for her to present. I tried way TOO hard to redecorate as much as I could,
so it would be magazine worthy - only to end up hating the photos I sent. That gallery wall
below is so not me, (not to mention the empty frames, like I thought they wouldn't notice??)
 What was I thinking with those taxidermy twins?
 They wanted an article on 'How NOT to decorate with a trend' - I nailed it with the framed
 taxidermy on two walls - oh my!
Lesson learned: If a magazine contacts you they like your house as it is!

June 2014 - After a LOT of hard work on Bonnie's end, putting together a presentation
for submission to the editors and waiting for the process to unfold, she lets me know they've
 chosen our home. EEEEK!! They'll be scheduling a photo shoot in September and it will
include our exterior and yard, as well. Yikes! Guess we'll be spending some weekends
in the yard! Lots of back and forth and photo shoot dates changing, now scheduled for
 August - at one point they called on a Thursday evening and asked if they could come on
Monday. I said, 'Yes!' Thank goodness it didn't end up working out on their end.  

August 27th - SO excited and nervous! I pick Bonnie up at the airport, she's tall, a classic
 beauty with that effortless style, her blond hair pulled back, red lipstick, truly beautiful
 and she immediately puts me at ease. We head to the wholesale florist, sit in the car and chat
 for at least an hour before heading inside to choose flowers for all the rooms and shots.
  It's late afternoon and we drive through Wendy's on our way to my house, where we arrange
all the flowers and she styles every shot, her talent and energy are impressive and endless!
Whew, long day and I take her to her hotel.

August 28th - It's going to be a challenging couple of days we have intermittent rain
and clouds, except when we have blinding sun. None of which seemed to bother our
incredibly talented (and buff) photographer, Berly, a dog lover, who made fast
 friends with our girl Rio and is responsible for her magazine debut! :)
 I'm sure my sweet friend, who came to help each day, never imagined she'd be
 spending her morning blow drying our flagstone patio to remove the water!

August 29th - Another full day - we covered, uncovered, and re-covered furniture,
swept water off the deck several times, and  hauled flowers to the garage and back
out again, over and over to keep everything from getting soggy. While waiting for
the weather to cooperate Berly would set up inside shots.

 The article in the Spring edition of  BH & G Refresh, 'Evolution of a Landscape'
 is eight pages (so exciting) of the exterior of our home, yard and deck. I took this
 photo after they had it styled and ready to go.

Part Two of the dream come true and secret I've been keeping...
our interior will be featured in the Summer edition of Refresh!  
Crazy and still unbelievable!

I can't thank Bonnie and Berly enough for all of their hard work, they were a joy to
have at our home and we feel so fortunate they were the ones we got to share this
 once in a lifetime experience with! 
  Also, thank you Mr. Simple for all of your efforts getting everything in shape
 and putting up with me! :)  


Holly Gruszka said...

Pam!! I've got chills for you my friend and I love hearing all of the details of your experience. You've certainly proved that none of this is glamorous but truly hard work to get those money shots we see in the magazine. My favorite detail is driving through Wendy's :) And how you must have soaked up that conversation with Bonnie and visiting the flower market. Now we have to wait until the summer to see your many more months? Just kidding! I was at B&N over the weekend and grinned from ear to ear as I flipped through Refresh seeing your exterior. Your hard work certainly paid off and I couldn't be happier for you - or that I am your first post comment (that means I was up way too early since hubby is traveling).

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Congrats, Pam!! Now the wait.

Dana Frieling said...

Of course there was so much amazing content they couldn't fit it into one issue!!! You did a great job of 'telling the story.' Blow drying concrete...such a good friend! Too funny.

Beachwood Place LLC said...

Congrats! Your home looks amazing!

Unknown said...

That IS a dream come true, TWO editions with features! How wonderful, I can't wait to see every little detail!

Unknown said...

I soaked up every little bit of this post - love hearing about all of the behind-the-scenes! I loved your feature and can't wait for the next one!

Jennifer @ Dimples and Tangles said...

OK yay! I thought they were crazy if they were there and didn't shoot anything inside your house, too! What a process, but what a fabulous result! Your exterior spread was just amazing, can't wait to see the rest and how they styled your house!

Anonymous said...

What a dream come true! Great recap, and I can't wait to see the issue.

Katie {Miss Dixie} said...

this is SO exciting to read about and I can hardly contain my excitement to find a copy and wait for the next issue too! I haven't seen it yet here but cannot wait. So well deserved and loving the behind the scenes! Major inspiration to hurry up and get our house painted white too!! :)

Cassie Bustamante said...

WOW!!!!!! another feature!?!?! i am so excited for you! well deserved!

Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

Oh Pam, I am just dying over all of this, you must have been bursting with excitement!! What a fun experience, your home is so beautiful and unique, you've put so much personality and interest into it, I am so happy that it was found by Bonnie and I can't wait for the summer edition!!!!!!!

Denise Greenwood said...

What an exciting experience Pam!! Congrats and I can't wait to see the next spread!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your fun journey, Pam. It's so much fun to read about the process. Your home could not be more beautiful. I've read all of the Refresh issues and think this one is the best. I can't wait for the summer issue. (Just wondering, why Wendy's when you could have served Bonnie canned beans for lunch?!) Lori

Unknown said...

I am so thrilled for you and to hear this. As I picked up a copy of Refresh to see my friend's home in it, while I am crazy over the moon over your yard, I was disappointed there were no shots of the inside of your home. It should be featured and I am so happy it will! Congrats dear one, I am your biggest fan! xo Nancy

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

I'm so excited for you! I love the picture you took of the outside with the pink and green. It almost makes me want to go outside and plant flowers. Almost. ;) It's interesting to hear what goes on behind the scenes. So much work!

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

So very exciting Pam...I'm so happy for you!! Can't wait till it hits the stands!!

sarah m. dorsey said...

Yay!! SO exciting!! :)

Julie Taylor and Danni Greenwalt said...

Cant wait to get the must of peed in your pants! So exciting...

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

Oh thank god. I was wondering why I didn't get to see any of the inside shots. I can breathe easy now. :) I'm glad you and Bonnie had such a great time - isn't she the best?! So proud and happy for you!

Crazy Wonderful said...

Pam, that is AMAZING!!!! Congrats, congrats, congrats! Your home is stunning and totally magazine worthy just as it is :) I'm heading out to pick up an issue!

Patty Day @Pattys Epiphanies said...

You and I must add, Mr. Simple, are deserving of all the accolades!
Can't wait for the issues to be available!

Kristen Rettig said...

Wow! So exciting! Make sure you let us know when the magazine is out!

Julia@Cuckoo4Design said...

So so exciting and fun to see it all come together and the hard work that goes into it all.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Pam.. so happy for you... Can't wait to see the article when the magazine is out!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! That is great news you will be covered in two magazines. Doesn't get better than that! I can't wait to see the entire spread with all the pics of your beautiful home.

Anonymous said...

How very sweet and exciting. Your home and everything you touch is always a beautiful success so stop being so hard on yourself. You are an absolute natural. Now, I definitely know I would never want to go through all that - I would be a nervous wreck. Would need lots of wine and whatever else might calm my nerves!! I can't wait to see the issues and make sure you give us a reminder. Congrats and best wishes always. I love all your work. I'm so glad your sweet fur-angel is making her debut.

Susan - Uniquely Yours or Mine said...

Wow! Congratulations, sounds like it was a wonderful experience.

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Congrats Pam, that is so exciting! :)

Julie said...

It was interesting to see how all of this unfolded for you, Pam. What beautiful photos! Of course, they had beautiful material to work with in your home and yard! It warms my heart to see you having this "fairy tale" experience :)
(It also warms my heart to see so many other bloggers cheering you on...what a wonderful community to be a part of.)

Brandi said...

Such an exciting time for you, Pam! Congratulations!!!

Kristen @ Pursuing Vintage said...

So exciting! Congrats!

Beth of designPOST Interiors said...

That is so amazing that you are going to be featured twice! Congrats! I have still not been able to grab my copy but I am dying to see your yard- just from these snippets I know I am jealous!

Becky {This Is Happiness} said...

So fun reading this! Such an amazing experience! Your home is just gorgeous inside and out! Congratulations!!

Amanda said...

I just typed a whole comment and I think I deleted it! Well if you get two comments from me I apologize!
OK so---- YAY!!! It's about dang time! I knew your home would one day make it into the glossy pages! I remember when they were doing my Christmas shoot in 2013 and I told the editor that you were one to watch!! Congratulations my friend!!! So well deserved!

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