Sunday, March 3, 2013

easy outfits...wearing what I've pinned

Hey there, hope everyone had a great weekend. It's been awhile since I did a
fashion post, and when I noticed Carmel and some friends were having a Wear It Challenge
I thought it was the perfect opportunity. The challenge is to actually wear what you've pinned
 on your Pinterest boards. Wearing is the easy part for me,
the photos...not so much! 

These two outfits I pinned almost a year ago are a couple of favorites.
Since we still have snow on the ground and more is in the forecast,
 I'll be sporting this take on it for winter for a bit longer, but I have a light,
flowy blouse ready when spring arrives...

Pinned Inspiration...

Pinterest via Ngan Le

Another favorite combination for spring with my leopard belt,
I found it at TJ Maxx last year, after pinning this...

Pinterest via Full House

Do you guys want a laugh to start the week?
  We have mirrors in every room, but none are situated to take photos of myself well,
 so I asked Mr. Simple to take the photos for me...

Could you let me know if my necklace is off center!

Please mention it if my stomach is showing! 

This is perfect lighting, let's hurry.
If you notice some wrinkles that need smoothing just holler!

Could you make me look any wider, and those pockets are horrible!

Give me the camera - more like this, on an angle so it's flattering!
 Wait a minute, I'm going to go cut these pockets out.

One more chance, a little better, but I took my necklaces off, and it really needs them.
I think I'll try the other outfit.

Seriously, what was I thinking?! Two outfits for this post is out of the question, 
we're losing light!!
 I'll put the other outfit back on, let's go outside and try for ONE good one!

You want me stand next to the down spout? 
I don't have another post for tomorrow and it's getting dark!!!
Hon, the necklace AND the stomach?!

Thank you hon, you're the BEST!

Remember when I met my sweet blogging friend, Cindy @ a curious gardener,
 the present she brought me was the beautiful gold chain (and earrings!).
 I love the classic style, it will go with everything! Thank you again, cute friend!

If you'd like to check out my Pinterest Fashion Boards
Fashion Spring and Summer here
Fashion Fall and Winter here

Linking up with the 'Wear It Challenge'

Have you worn any outfits you've pinned lately?



Very cute and I love the green! I must say the necklaces make that outfit, I love them! Erica

gina said...

Thanks for the laughs! The necklaces are great. Very nice outfits. You don't even have a stomach to worry about.

Jo said...

Thanks for the laugh this morning ~ the outfits and accessories are fabulous!

Have a great week ~

Jo said...

ps ...
just bought a pair of green cords for St. Pattys day ~ thanks for the outfit idea! :)

Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

You look adorable Pam!! You're so tiny!!!! Love your style, those jeans had me at hello back when you showed them to us as your buffet inspiration color. They look great with the leopard print and all your fun necklaces. Your husband is an artiste behind the camera!!

Julia@Cuckoo4Design said...

I love the green pants with leopard.
And you know what? I've cut the pockets out of many of my pants already, especially the back pockets.
I feel like I need to go spring clothes shopping now...

Lori said...

One of the funniest posts I've read! Thanks for the laugh! I love the outfits. You are model material.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Just bought some emerald green the necklace and the belt is fantastic!

Unknown said...

You have the cutest figure my friend, and would look good in a burlap sack. I love the green and leopard. I love pearls with everything. Love how youve styled some parts of your home to go with your outfits! Have a great week!
xo Nancy

Nancie Nelson said...

I would never ask my husband to take a photo. That's what kids are for. Even my son has a better eye than the big guy.
So kudos to the hubby for trying. Next time ask Detail might be surprised!
Great outfits but I agree with the other Nancy- cute in a burlap sack.

Cassie Bustamante said...

PLEASE- you are tiny and adorable! if your stomach was fully showing you would still look tiny and adorable!

Unknown said...

Crack me up! I think Mr. Simple was too busy checking his gorgeous wife out to be focused on the details of a good photo!

ECKDesign said...

You are so FUNNY! LOL!....and who cares about all the mishaps that only you would have noticed if you didnt point it out to the rest of us. ;oP With that figure,you carry it off WELL!!!!

Patty Day @Pattys Epiphanies said...

Congratulations, I wouldn't have the nerve to do this!
But then, You look great!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad my husband is not the only one! lol. Carmen

Jennifer @ Dimples and Tangles said...

You are too funny! I think you look great in EVERY photo! Love the leopard and green!

Calypso In The Country said...

You are hilarious! Love the green! I haven't pinned any outfits but I have my eye on a few things for my spring vacation! I gotta get shopping!

Gypsy Heart said...

I'm dying laughing! NOT at you, at the comments and having a husband as a photographer. You look fantastic!! Wish I had your figure. The green is great but my all time fave is black & white.

Thanks for sharing!

Cindy @ a curious gardener said...

Haha! So cute. Know the type so well, he is just completely blinded by his beautiful wife to notice any differences in the photos! He was sweet to keep clicking and trying.

I need YOUR body on the beach in MY swimsuits in three weeks!

SO glad you are finding the jewelry useful! I have used my Pinterest pins for outfit inspiration but very casual ones. I love looking at all my pins when I am in a bored blah mood, am I am the only one that does this? I bet not!

Unknown said...

Loved this post! I have a blog too and include a fashion photo in each one. My husband mostly does my photographing, but it just feels so strange. I hate it when he goes out of town because I have to recruit my kids to do the job and that just opens up a whole different can of worms. "Hey kids come take some pictures of Mom for her blog!". So weird. And yet, I do it anyway. Love your blog BTW!

Unknown said...

Love how you put all this together. Very stylish, love the green jeans, now I need to buy a skinny belt in leopard.

Micah said...

If I had a stomach that looked like that, I might accidentally let it show, too. You look great!

Desiree Lynn said...

Haha maybe you should get a tripod and remote? Just a thought. ;) The commentary is great though.

Just stopping by from the link party!

Lo (a Lo and Behold Life) said...

This just made me laugh so hard! I'm a new follower and am so glad to have caught this post. Love the green jeans and leopard belt combo. Have these items in my closet and will definitely be pairing them together soon :)

katie lake said...

I had to transition my outfit to fit the chili temps as well. I love your take on the pinterest photo!

Denise Greenwood said...

So needed a laugh today!! Thanks Pam :) Love the green jeans and the leopard belt, especially together!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laughs! Still smiling :) You look great even with the off center necklace and uncooperative pants!

Dana Frieling said...

Oh, Mr. Simple totally framed your boob on purpose! Lol. He had to have been thinking, "Now, exactly why am I cutting your head out of these pictures?!"

Andrea said...

Oh my, I was just laughing out loud reading this! Love your outfit and holy smoking body! You need to model for us more often.

Dabsterr said...

Good post! When it comes to completing an outfit, earrings can be the perfect finishing touch. Just check what cool products are for example on site. Choosing the right pair can really pull your look together and showcase your personal style. For a more casual outfit, try simple studs or small hoops in a classic metal like gold or silver. For a more formal look, opt for statement earrings in a bold color or with eye-catching details like crystals or pearls. Don't be afraid to mix and match different metals or styles to create a unique and personalized look.

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