Wednesday, February 7, 2018

My Five Favorites - Biggest Bang for the Buck Home Projects

Hey friends! This could be my all-time favorite topic of the 'My Five Favorites' series!
Biggest bang for the buck projects, without compromising style, are my #1 choice. I
love the challenge of creating high end looks that are easy on the budget. My blogging
 pals and I are sharing some of our best ideas today.

Kris @ Driven by Decor
Lisa @ Shine Your Light
Jennifer @ Dimples & Tangles

BIG congrats to our guest this month, Brooke @ Nesting with Grace, is featured in the
March issue of HGTV magazine!! She has created the most charming home for her
 sweet family. It's filled with personality and beautiful budget friendly projects. You'll love
her inspiring Instagram feed too! @nestingwithgrace

Nesting with Grace

Here are the biggest bang for the buck projects around our home...

#1 - formica countertop

Our Formica 180FX Calacatta Marble countertop still fools our guests! We've had it
 for a little over three years now, I still love it and would definitely give it a thumbs up
recommendation. I gave you all the scoop and my reasons for choosing it in my
 Formica Countertop Review.

#2 - stenciled wallpaper

For a fraction of the cost, inexpensive stencils gave me the look of a couple pricey
 wallpapers that I loved.  
I used this Alexa pattern from Cutting Edge Stencils to emulate 
David Hicks La Fiorentina wallpaper for the One Room Challenge makeover
of our master bedroom. 

I tweaked the Cheetah Spots Stencil from Royal Design Studio to create a
Thibaut Tanzania wallpaper look-alike for our Foyer Makeover.

#3 - furniture makeovers

Craigslist Hutch + Annie Sloan Chalk Paint = Big Bang for the Buck!
 You all know I couldn't do a post about budget friendly projects without mentioning
Craigslist! I love how paint can breathe new life into an old piece of furniture, and
make a unique one-of-a-kind statement. See tutorial for the changes I made to this
hutch here.     


#4 - chair reupholster

Chair makeovers are not only inexpensive, because you need such a small amount
 of fabric, but they're super easy, too! Simply unscrew the seats and attach the new
 fabric using your staple gun. Seriously, it gives you a completely fresh look for
 your dining room!  Btw, I purchased these chairs along with the hutch above.  


#5 -  painted cabinets, tile,

My kitchen makeover for the One Room Challenge is hands down one of my
favorite budget makeovers I've done. The power of paint is undeniably the biggest
bang for the buck in my book!  This Spring Home Tour shows what a difference a
 a good dose of white paint can make.  


Be sure to stop by and check out my friends' ideas:

Kris @ Driven by Decor
Lisa @ Shine Your Light
Jennifer @ Dimples & Tangles
Brooke @ Nesting with Grace

You might like these previous My Five Favorites too:

Organization Room by Room
 Christmas Wish List 



Jennifer @ Dimples and Tangles said...

I think you're the queen of bang for your buck projects! Your gray hutch and spotted foyer will always be favorite projects of mine, and you truly breathed new life into your kitchen with your white makeover! Love it all and miss seeing your projects a little more often. :)

Calypso In The Country said...

Beautiful job, Pam! I am always impressed with your Craigslist finds. You have such a great eye for pieces with potential. Hope you are doing well. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Anonymous said...

You are so talented, Pam! You're a master of bang for your buck. Years later and we're still enjoying our Rustoleum countertops that you envisioned, also a great Bang for Buck transformation!

CleanLivingGal said...

You have done a wonderful job and I just love furniture makeovers!
The marble Formica countertop is just what I would want for myself.

Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

That countertop! I forgot how amazing that came out! And I will forever adore that grey hutch and how you styled it, such a crazy good transformation! xox

Unknown said...

I've sent several friends your way to check out your painted kitchen hood - that's one of my all time favorites! And seriously can't believe your countertop is Formica - why did the owners of my previous home not choose that over mint green?? :)

Sandra said...

Lindas imagens. Feliz semana. Cumprimentos.

Koch Family said...

Please, can you tell me what color the pale yellow paint is that you have in your dining room and some of the other rooms in your home. I love how it is so cheerful, and yet not overpowering!! I have been looking through posts trying to find it unsuccessfully. Thank you!!

pam {simple details} said...

Hi there Koch Family! It is Benjamin Moore - Navajo White :)

Koch Family said...

Thank you so much, Pam!!

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