Holy moly Best of the Nest came upon us awfully quickly this month!
I had to scramble to have something to show you, which was a good thing. :)
I'm guessing you've all been fluffing your nests for spring and can't wait to see
what you have to share.
If you missed March's Favorite Features you can check them out here.
Pam @ Simple Details
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How to Paint Stone Tile

Lisa @ Shine your Light
How to Paint Stone Tile
Lisa @ Shine your Light
Blog | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Bloglovin' | Twitter
Semi DIY Vanity Table

Kris @ Driven by Décor
Anyone can enter - not just bloggers!
Party Rules:
We'd love you stop back next Friday when Lisa, Kris, Jennifer and I will feature our favorite links.
Semi DIY Vanity Table
Kris @ Driven by Décor

Jennifer @ Dimples & Tangles
Now it's your turn:
Four Blogs - Link up to one and it will show up on all four
Bring your Best of April - Anything from your nest aka home - DIY, craft, room design, recipe, etc.
Anyone can enter - not just bloggers!
Can enter through Instagram by using hashtag #bestofthenest and tagging at least one of your hosts.
Can also enter through Pinterest - follow the simple instructions here.
The party starts at 8am EST on Friday and ends on Tuesday at midnight.
Party Rules:
Link to your specific post not your home page.
Only one link per person to show your best work from April 2014
Spread some comment love - visit and comment on at least two other links in the party.
If you're linking up with a blog, link back with a text link or grab the party button.
We'd love you stop back next Friday when Lisa, Kris, Jennifer and I will feature our favorite links.
For those linking from blogs only those with a link back will be considered.
Let's get this party started!
Thanks so much for hosting ladies...have a great weekend!!
I can't tell you how much I love what you are doing in your kitchen! I'm so glad you went for painting your tile, thanks for the DIY!
thanks for hosting Pam :) Just linked up :) xo Kristin
Pam, thanks for helping host this link party. Can't wait to see what everyone has done. I LOVE the progress in your kitchen! How smart to paint your tile white!
Thanks as always for hosting this lovely party! I love these projects and thanks for the tutorial on how to paint the tile. It looks great!
I love this party, thanks for hosting!
Love sitting in bed on a Saturday morning and reading what everyone is up to...very fun! Thanks!
I had entered the party two days ago, and just realized I hadn't put the link logo on my blog! It's there now… Thanks for hosting, all of you!
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When you leave a comment whether simple or detailed, it brightens my day!